Rachel Suzanne Smith


Acadia Series

Work created in response to my two week residency at Acadia National Park. 2021-2023

Photo Credit Jennifer Ramirez

Wearable Wallpaper

Flexible installation of vinyl and brooches. Each brooch can be taken out and worn. 2020-2022

Milkweed Study

Body of work exploring milkweed, the pollinator supportive wildflower. 2023- P

Photo Credit Kayode Omoyosi


Knapweed series. 2017-2021.

Machine Embroidery

Explorations in machine embroidery, laser cutting, and powder coating. 2021.

Wild Majoram

Two pieces created for SNAG’s Goldsmith 20′ Show, inspired by Marjorie Schick. 2021.


Pendants and Brooches, a sentimental verse. Ongoing studies and arrangments in color, floral exploration, and format.

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